System Requirements
For Android:
minimum Android API level: 26 or higher
minimum Kotlin version: 1.9.10 or higher
For iOS:
minimum iOS version: 15.0 or higher
minimum Xcode version: 15.0 or higher
minimum Swift version: 5.9 or higher
Step 1. Install Nativebrik Bridge SDK to your app
Nativebrik Bridge SDK is available through https://pub.dev/packages/nativebrik_bridge.
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
Run the following command to install the package:
or install the SDK via flutter pub add
Step 2. Initialize Nativebrik Bridge SDK in your composable app
Step 3.a (Android only) Set up Platform Specific Code
To get it working on Android, you need to make a small change to your MainActivity.kt file.
and, set the minimum android sdk version to 26 in your android/app/build.gradle file.
finally, set the kotlin version to >= 1.9.10 in your settings.gradle file.
3.b. (iOS only) Set up Platform Specific Code
To get it working on iOS, you need to change a minimum deployments to 15.0 in your ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj file.
In Xcode, navigate to
Runner.xcodeproj > TARGETS > Runner > General > Minimum Deployments
Change the
minimum deployments
Once you're finished, you can start using Nativebrik.
Last updated